Jun 2016

Kvorning wins exhibition project at The Norwegian Petroleum Museum

The concept ‘The secrets of the sea’ landed Kvorning Design & Communication the contract for a new exhibition about petroleum geology at The Norwegian Petroleum Museum in invited competition. The project proposal will give the Stavanger museum a new iconic element – an exhibition with a stunningly grand visual effect – which lure both youngsters and adults far down beneath the seabed.

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum’s new exhibition features science, activities and drama – pure Jules Vernes – as the working title of the winning concept ’The secrets of the sea’ suggests. In all parts of the exhibition hearts, brains and muscles of both children and grown-ups will be put to test. Zones with analogue and digital activities encourage collaborations, learning and play. This approach will surely appeal to the primary target group of the exhibition – 12 year old boys and girls – and most likely the rest of the families too.


Pedagogic substance and innovative wow-effect

“We see that Kvorning Design & Communication has understood the task and delivered a very resilient, well-reasoned and appealing concept. They unite wow-effect with the possibility of gaining facts and knowledge in an innovative design.” … “Our decision is based on what we think will make it possible to open a new exhibition about petroleum geology, with pedagogical substance and innovative wow-effect that will be strong enough to boost The Norwegian Petroleum Museum not only in 2017, but in many, many years to come.”


Whirlpool or gigantic wave

The design of the exhibition is inspired by the sea; travelling in the sea and along the seabed. A shape of a whirlpool or a gigantic wave pursues the theme inspired by tornadoes, the eyes of hurricanes, whirlpools and the human eye. The role of mankind is central: Getting the idea to extract oil from the bottom of the sea, overcoming the technical restrictions that hinder oil finding – and not least – extracting it from the sediments deep, deep down under the seabed.


Working closely with the museum

The new exhibition at The Norwegian Petroleum Museum will be developed in close liaison with Kvorning. By working together the museum will get a perfect starting point for a resourceful, purposeful and dynamic exhibition which incorporates a concept where analogue and digital means of communication actively blend together and turn advanced technical questions and subjects into straightforward and relevant information as well as fun and playful knowledge.


About The Norwegian Petroleum Museum

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum in Stavanger conveys the history of the Norwegian petroleum industry in a modern and interactive museum environment. The museum opened in 1999 and has approximately 100,000 visitors each year.